Dive into new updates of Redshift 3.6.03
In June, Maxon released an updated version of Redshift 3.6.03. This version will include some improvements such as: extending Non-Photorealistic Rendering system, including Toon Material-specific contributions for all light types, a new cross-hatching effect, updating volume rendering and the Incandescent material.
Updates to Non-Photorealistic Rendering
In Redshift version 3.6, it introduced new NPR Non-Photorealistic system. And now some updates has been made in Redshift 3.6.03, with all lights now having Toon Material-specific lighting contributions.
You can set diffuse and reflection contributions separately to standard materials. The same goes with rim lighting.
The update gives you new options in the Toon Material to control whether opacity affects reflections or refractions, and how soft the Toon Rim lighting effect appears.
You are now able to control whether outlines generated with the Contour shader appear in reflections and refractions.
The Tonemap Pattern node gets a new cross-hatching effect on top of the existing halftone, sine wave and grid effects.
Updates to volume rendering and the incandescent material
You will get a new update in Volume Padding parameter , where it can expand a volume’s bounding box, avoiding artefacts when applying volume displacement.
New Additive Blend option is added in the Incandescent shader, which is really suitable for additive particle effects.
Changes specific to individual DCC applications
Now Cinema 4D and Redshift users can control how materials are displayed in the viewport without affecting final renders, as the updated version of the rendering engine support a custom Viewport Preview shader.
The other integration plugins have been updated to support the current versions of their host applications, including 3ds Max 2025, Blender 4.0 and 4.1, and Maya 2025. For example, the team fixed some bugs related to Redshift OCIO color management in 3ds Max 2023 and older, script error in 3ds Max 2025, some support for Houdini and Solaris, etc.
Price and system requirements
You can use Redshift 3.6.03 on Windows 10+, glibc 2.17+ Linux and macOS 12.6+.
The renderer’s integration plugins are compatible with 3ds Max 2018+, Blender 2.83+, Cinema 4D R21+, Houdini 17.5+ (18.0+ on macOS), Katana 4.0v1+ and Maya 2018+.
The renderer is rental-only, with subscriptions pricing $45/month or $264/year.
Working on a Redshift customized pipeline with iRender’s remote machines
iRender is proud to introduce our remote machine, from single to multiple RTX4090. We provide you supercomputers, with high-end specifications like AMD Ryzen™ Threadripper™ PRO 3955WX or AMD Ryzen™ Threadripper™ PRO 5975WX, RAM 256GB, Storage NVMe SSD 2TB. Most importantly, we always update to the latest GPU technology, with 1/2/4/6/8 x RTX3090/RTX4090.
Check out these articles to know why RTX 4090 is still the best graphics card for Redshift rendering: Top GPU for Redshift, Octane and V-Ray in 2023 and Compare RTX 4090 vs RTX 6000 Ada vs RTX A6000 for content creation.
You are free to install any 3d software or rendering engines, including Redshift on our remote servers, add your own license then render or modify your project by yourself.
Right now, our users are free to use one of our Redshift and Cinema 4D license on the remote machine. You just need to create a machine wit pre-installed C4D and Redshift and activate it via our license app. Regarding other DCC apps, kindly install and add your own license.
Check out some of our Redshift tests on our server RTX 4090/3090:
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Thank you & Happy Rendering!
Source and images: cgchannel.com, maxon.net
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