C4D file shows 'Incorrect File Structure' or 'Unknown File Format' Troubleshooting
What to do when your C4D file says “Incorrect File Structure” or “ Unknown File Format”. Sometimes files can get corrupted, this can be caused by a number of issues. Those problems might be Crashing when saving; HDD/Network failure when saving; or Plugins corrupting Save files. With iRender today, let’s find out whether there are any ways to recover some or all of the file that has become corrupted.
For Window:
- Go to search and type CMD
- Navigate to your Cinema 4D Program Folder (Normally program Files\Maxon Cinema 4D RXX)
- Now, drag and drop your Cinema 4D.exe into the Terminal Window:
- Then press space.
- Then paste in “-loadcorruptscenes”
For MacOS:
- Go to Search and type Terminal
- Navigate to your Cinema 4D Application Folder (Normally Applications\Maxon Cinema 4D RXX)
- Right-click on the Cinema 4D.app and press Show Contents
- Navigate through Contents to MacOS
- Drag and drop the Cinema 4D file into the Terminal Window:
- Press Space
- Then paste in “-loadcorruptscenes” (It should look something like the below, )
Once Cinema 4D had loaded, try to open your file, it may still say that the file is corrupt, but then it will try to load what it can. But don’t be surprised if this process may not be able to help you recover all of your files, just a part of them.
You can take a look at this tutorial video to understand more about this process:
iRender - The Best Cloud Rendering Solution for Cinema 4D
iRender is proud to be a professional GPU Accelerated Cloud Rendering Service provider in HPC optimization for Render, CGI, and VFX tasks with more than 25,000 clients. We are appreciated in many global rankings (e.g. CGDirector, Lumion Official, Radarrender, InspirationTuts CAD, All3DP, BlenderBaseCamp, VFX Rendering.)
Our Services
We have developed multiple RTX 3090 server packages that are specifically configured and optimized for GPU rendering. With a range of GPU servers from a single RTX 3090 to multiple 2/4/6/8 x RTX 3090, you can choose a server that meets your needs and your software to start the rendering process. All information on the server configuration is publicly posted on our website. You can know exactly what the server specification contains, the type of CPU and GPU it has, and its cost as well.
We are currently providing Redshift Floating license and OctaneRender Enterprise license for our Prime customers. Let’s enjoy working on our RTX 3090 beast machine with the provided licenses. Moreover, we are running a SPECIAL OFFER: 20% Additional Bonus for new users who register an account and make a top-up within 24 hours after registration.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach us via Whatsapp: +(84) 972755742. Register an ACCOUNT today and get FREE COUPON to experience our service. Or contact us via WhatsApp: +(84) 972755742 for advice and support.
iRender – Happy rendering
Source and picture: Maxon.net
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