July 25, 2024 Yen Lily

Explore Cinema 4D Particle System for Arnold

Cinema 4D together with Arnold is one of the most famous 3D software and render engines which artists and studios often use in many fields, because of its convenience and versatility. In Cinema 4D 2024.4, we see the release of Particle system helping you to generate particles in Arnold. Let’s explore with iRender.


Particle Group

You will need to render all Particle Groups in the scene by default as spheres with a default standard_surface shader displaying the color of the particles.

To modify the settings, you have to add an Arnold tag to the Particle Group object.

Please note that Emitters do not store any particles, thus adding the Arnold tag and material to an Emitter has no effect. You have to add them to particle groups.

Multi Group

Multi Groups can hold and modify multiple particle groups.They are not rendered by default. To render them, you have to add an Arnold tag to the Multi Group object and change the Render mode.

Multi Groups and Particle Groups both store particles, and both can render particles twice. Therefore if you enable rendering of a Multi Group, you may have to disable rendering of the respective Particle Groups.


To read specific properties of the particles, such as the color and age, you can use a user_data shader in a shading graph.

A note for you: Materials have to be applied to Particle Groups and not Emitters, just like the Arnold tag.


You can export particle properties (channels) as user parameters and read them in a shader graph via user_data shaders. Radius and color is exported by default, but you can export all other available properties, such as:

        • velocity (vector)
        • angular velocity (vector)
        • age (float)
        • lifetime (float)
        • distance (float)

You can map channels between 0-1 range (between the minimum and maximum value in the current frame) where it’s possible. If you want to map the values to a custom range, you can export the minimum and maximum values as user data. They are labelled with the _min and _max postfix, such as ‘distance_min’ and ‘distance_max’.

Motion blur

You can control here how the motion blur effect is rendered. Vector motion blur is enabled by default, that means the velocity and angular velocity vectors are used to calculate particle motion in the given frame.

In some cases, such as when particles move along a curve, vector motion blur does not give you the desired result, and motion blur has to be calculated based on the simulated position instead (Use motion vector turned off). Note, that particles are not simulated in subframes, therefore you have to cache the simulation to render motion blur properly.

To display motion blur in the IPR you have to cache the simulation.

Powerful cloud rendering for Cinema 4D with Arnold users

iRender provide to you high performance and configurable server system for 3D rendering, AI Training, VR & AR, simulation, etc. We believe that design and creative activities are private and personal that only you artists will know what you want with your animation. That’s the reason why we provide remote server so that you can install any software you need, and do whatever you like with your project.

You will only need to install your software for the first time, and next time you connect to the computer everything is ready for use.

Arnold developers have improved the render engine in the latest version, which helps it utilize multiple GPUs more smoothly. At iRender, we offer tailored packages with state of the art multi RTX 4090/3090 for Cinema 4D and Arnold users.

You can see that our configuration above are all more than enough to have a project in Cinema 4D with Arnold renderer run smoothly. Processor is AMD Ryzen Threadripper Pro 3955WX and .AMD Ryzen Threadripper Pro 5975WX. RAM 256GB. We also provide storage NVMe SSD with 2TB. With those hardware, you can be assured that your scene will load faster, more stable when running with multiple software.

Come to the most important factor Video card (GPU). RTX4090 comes first, the speed is 80% and 64% faster than RTX 3080Ti and RTX 3090Ti relatively, proving it to be the best one in terms of speed.

Check out more to see why RTX 4090 is the best choice for Arnold rendering: How does Autodesk Arnold perform on RTX4090?

Plus, at iRender, we provide you more support than just those config.

NVLink available for large and complex scene

If 24GB VRam is not enough for your scene, we always have NVLink to help you access more than that. You can access this article to know how NVLink benefits your 3D projects.

Free and convenient transfering tool

iRender offers a powerful and free file transfer tool: iRender drive for macOS or Linux users. For Windows users, we recommend using our all-in-one application iRender GPU to work, and you don’t need to come to our website.

Flexible price

Besides houly rental above, you can always save from 10% to 20% with our Rental Plan feature. For those who’s in need of server more than a day, or have extremely large project, we advise to choose daily/ weekly/monthly rental package. The discount is attractive (up to 10% for daily packages, 20% on weekly and monthly packages), and you don’t have to worry about over-charging if you forget to shutdown the server.

Real human 24/7 support service

Helping you to handle the problem quickly, effectively, saving you both time and money.

Render farm supports powerful RTX4090

When you use iRender, you can free your computer during the hardest and most arduous part – rendering. That is also the reason that Render Farm service is becoming more and more popular and essential. However, as far as we know, iRender is proud to be one of the very few rendering service that support powerful and state of the art RTX4090/3090.

With the above advantages and the machine configuration packages that iRender has just released, we believe that Cinema 4D and Arnold users will have the most comfortable, quickest, and most effective rendering time.

Right now, our users are free to use one of our Cinema 4D license on the remote machine. You just need to create a machine wit pre-installed C4D and activate it via our license app. Regarding Arnold, kindly install and add your own license.

You can create an account via this link to experience our service. And don’t hesitate to contact us via WhatsApp: (+84) 916806116 for advice and support.


Thank you & Happy Rendering!

Source and images: help.autodesk.com

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Yen Lily

Hi everyone. Being a Customer Support from iRender, I always hope to share and learn new things with 3D artists, data scientists from all over the world.


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Chip Render Farm


Hotline: (+84) 912-785-500
Skype: iRender Support
Email: [email protected]
Address 1: 68 Circular Road #02-01, 049422, Singapore.
Address 2: No.22 Thanh Cong Street, Hanoi, Vietnam.

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